Presentation Vandenbroucke Cologne

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Conditionality reciprocity and deservingness in multilevel social policy: Evidence from a conjoint experiment on public support for European unemployment risk-sharing (*) EURS Frank Vandenbroucke Workshop ‘Measuring Solidarity’ 27-28 January 2020 Cologne Paper by Sharon Baute Francesco Nicoli www frankvandenbroucke uva nl A survey EU reinsurance: making people think… 13 Member States 19 641 respondents 2018 • Fixed points of all the policy packages: – disbursement MS is triggered significant increases that MS; used to subsidize national systems; common (minimum) floor generosity benefit levels participating countries Moving parts: (3); conditions w r t training education (2); between-country redistribution (3) => 324 packages taxation or administration job search effort dimension IPSOS Screen shot (repeated 3 times): Strongly favour Somewhat Neither nor against H1: Everything else equal higher generates stronger (generosity hypothesis) H2: stricter individual conditionality (conditionality H3: when package more generous positive effect (interaction 4 Perception unemployed (cf CARIN van Oorschot): Need : perceived standard living respondent’s country Control agreement with statement “Most do not try find job” Identity “How important you well-being following groups people? People other countries” 5 H4: impact less if consider as undeserving basis their need (H4a) control (H4b) identity (H4c) H5: (H5a) (H5b) (H5c) 6 Impact interaction (Table 1) The role attitudes 2) Average Marginal Component Effects (AMCEs) attributes (Figure B) H1 H2 at different 3) 10 D U left-right ideology relative income position I) hypothesis): Left-right also (both conditionality); 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% unconditional conditional Majority threshold